Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

 Santa's Little Helper
 by Gabe
The day before Christmas Santa Clause was looking at all of his letters that he got from kids from all over the world. He also had to check if he had all of the billions of  toys he needed to give out on Christmas Eve. So on Christmas Eve he went to the sleigh and his reindeer were gone so he got out of his sleigh and started looking for them.  So he was walking and he saw a snowbo, a snow man hobo, and he gave the snowbo money and then the snowbo disappeared! So he was walking and he heard "I can help you. Go to the palace of sheep." So Santa went to the palace of sheep. He got there and saw two sheep. So he went back with the blue and pink miracle sheep. Then he heard "You're welcome." Then he went to all the kids houses but he also gave the snowbo $3,000,000. Then he heard "Thank you." Then Santa went to bed.



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