Thursday, July 14, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

 Best Christmas Eve
By Avery Jones
One day there were three little boys that were around the same age. Jimmy was 2, Carlos was 3, and Logan was 5. They were brothers, but they were also best friends. They did everything together. Played together, ate together, and slept in the same room together. They had never fought before in their lives. They were nice to each other, all their friends, and their parents. One Christmas Eve, they got to visit Santa at the mall. They all told Santa that they wanted legos and a pet horse. Santa said okay. They all started to see how far away their mom was. They thought they might never find her again, so they all started to cry for their parents as people took pictures. Suddenly, one of Santa's elves picked up Jimmy and helped him down the slide and to his mother. The boys started screaming. The same elf helped the other boys find their mom. Then they all went home. The next morning, they woke up and ran outside to find their pony they asked Santa for. Sadly, there was no pony at all. They looked some more and found two sheep. The adult one had pink wool and the baby one had blue wool. They found a note near the sheep and had Logan read it because he was the oldest. It told them that Santa couldn't fit a pony in his sled so he brought them two sheep instead. They screamed with excitement and went to get their parents. It turned out to be one of the best Christmases ever.


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