Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Djibouti is a small country in east Africa on the boarder of the Red Sea. Djibouti is only 8,958 square miles. Djibouti was very short on food from their crops for three months because there was hardly any rain at all. They would fish for food sometimes, but they tried their best to grow crops of fruits and vegetables for people. 97 percent of the people in Djibouti are Muslim (about 740,000). The 6 percent that are left are mostly Christan. The life span for most people that live there is around 60 years old for both males and females because of the lack of doctors and the food shortage. There are about 18 doctors per 100,000 people. Most of the education there is influenced by France. There are 81 public schools, 24 registered privet schools, 12 secondary schools and 2 vocational schools there. 21.1 percent of the woman can go and 29.0 percents of the men can go to the schools. I personally think that the more women should be able to go to the schools.


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