Friday, July 29, 2011

Mommio: Learning To Read

Somehow I have managed to teach 5 kids how to read during the last few years of homeschooling and now it is Max's turn to learn.  Over the years I have come up with our own process to get started when they are little and it begins with recognizing letters and the sounds they make (basic phonics) while learning some sight words at the same time so they can feel successful by reading right away- Dick and Jane books are perfect for this because all the words in the books are common sight words.  Max is super enthusiastic about learning to read!  Yesterday we "graduated" his ABC cards because he knows all of them on his own and can make a train with them (put them in order) all by himself.

 Here he is with the sight words he has learned and using them to read Dick and Jane.

 And of course every child does this their own way, Max's process involves taking time out for yoga relaxation in the middle of the lesson.
  He thinks he's getting away with something by asking to do this- little does he know it is another great skill for him to learn AND gives me time to go refill my coffee!


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