Thursday, July 7, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

A Scary Story
By Avery Jones
Everyone in the car would have been fine, if they simply hadn't stopped to pick up the stranger on the side of the road.
     "Mom, I don't think we should let him in our car. He might be a killer.", said Molly in a worried tone
     "Oh come on! He looks nice.", replied Molly's mother.
     "Hop in the back of the truck. Where do you need to go?", she said as she rolled down the window.
     "To that house over there. I heard there is a motel near there, I really need to sleep somewhere.", said the man on the road.
     Molly was scared of the man. He was in a leather jacket and jeans. He didn't wear any shirt. His shoes were covered in some sort of slime that looked a little blue. Molly couldn't tell what color it was, because it was too dark to see anything. Why does mom have to talk to everyone she sees?! Just because he was on the road, doesn't mean we have to do anything for him. They drove two miles to a small motel near a giant castle.
     "Here you go kind sir. Have a good day.", said Molly's mother with a smile.
     "Thank you very much. You should probably stay at that castle over there. That is... if you can survive.", said the homeless man.
     "Mom... what does he mean by survive?", asked Molly.
     "You know, it's one of those things people say every now and then. Like, as a joke."
     They drove over to the castle where their great Aunt Maggi died last week. Molly got out of the car and went up to the front door. She rang the door bell. A tall butler came up to the door. He was holding a dish with a bowl of salad in it.
     "Hi, I'm Molly Turner. That is my mother Samantha Turner over there.", she pointed to her mother, who was at the car getting their suitcases. "We are here because of our great Aunt Maggi. She died last week.
     "I see, come in please. Your bedrooms are upstairs on the way left. Your mother will sleep over there in that big room.", the butler pointed to a room on the left wall.
     "Thank you. Mom! Your room is over there. I'll sleep upstairs.", yelled Molly as her mother came through the door.
     Molly walked upstairs and down a short hall. She went to a large room at the end of the hall. Suddenly she heard a noise coming from the room. It was a squeaky high pitched sound. She slowly walked to the door. She held on to the handle tightly. Molly was screaming in her head. She opened the door really fast. As she walked into the middle of the room the door shut behind her. She panicked and screamed loudly. Her mother called her name and ran upstairs.
     "Are you okay Molly? I heard you scream.", said her mother in a worried tone.
     "There was a noise and then the door closed and ahhhh!", Molly screamed at the top of her lungs and fell to the ground. She held her head tight and shut her eyes as she screamed.
     "Molly?! Why are you doing this? You are 14. You know better than to scare me!", yelled her mother.
     "Mom! It won't stop! The noise... it's too loud!", she started crying.
     "Molly, I want you to stop what your doing and go to bed now!", her mom stormed out of the room, leaving Molly on the ground in the middle of the room. The next morning Molly woke up on the floor. She walked downstairs and sat on the couch. Her mom walked by and looked at her. She noticed Molly was being different. Molly was acting like she was soulless and lonely.
     "Are you okay? You seem sad."
     "I'm fine."
     "Are you sure."
     "I said I'm fine!", Yelled Molly.
To be continued!


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