Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

The Camp
By Kiki 
Everyone in the car would have been fine, if they simply hadn't stopped to pick up the stranger by the side of the road.  The stranger had a knife.  The people in the car were going to a camp.  When they got there they noticed that no one was there.  So they got out of the car.  The people didn't know that the stranger had a knife.  So they went inside to see if anyone was there and nobody was there.  There were no plants growing.  There was no light.  They went to find a place to camp but they couldn't get across the gate at the place they wanted to camp at.  They went to another place to camp and they still couldn't get across the gate.  They went to another one and there was someone there.  Then they went in a tent and it was just a raccoon.  They got back in their car and went home.  But they left their keys at the camp so they had to live outside.


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