Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mommio & Kiki: Night Out

Today we finally celebrated Kiki's 8th birthday with her special (but belated) night out with Mom!  The excitement started before we even got to our favorite hotel.  On the way we stopped for movies at Redbox and some McD's for lunch.  Kiki was so happy that we could have just stopped with that.

BUT, we went on to the hotel and checked in anyway, where she enjoyed the view and ate her lunch.

Then we headed down to the pool, which we had all to ourselves.  It was so much fun for both of us!  Kiki practiced her jumps and learned to float on her back and then we headed to the hot tub.

And since we were on such a roll having fun we dried off, went back upstairs to the room and played some games together.  Kiki won Zenith with some awesome moves!

Up for tonight- lots of bad-for-us food, movies, a spa night and more pool and hot tub.  Kiki is taking a little nap right now to get ready for all the fun.


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