Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog #2

       1-  Gardening is school because growing a garden teaches you many things.  I learn how to harvest, plant, care for the plant, how to eat healthier, some science, sometimes what other animals will eat, and many other things.  I eat a lot of junk food, but now that we have a garden I am more in to vegetables (don't worry junk food, I still love you too!).
       2- It also teaches me that hard work pays off.  Doing all the garden work to set it up and prepare it to plant vegetables is really hard work but fun and later turns in to delicious foods. Even in the Summer, when it is super hot and we don't want to work, we still love having all the new foods.
       3- Gardening has taught me how much people really like vegetables.  A lot of my friends, and their families take a ton of our stuff from our garden (we offer it first of course).  I also wouldn't have known how to make my own garden.  Now that we made one ourselves, I want to make my own when I move out of the house.  I don't know what would be in it.  One thing I am know I will have... potatoes!
       4- I think it is better to learn by doing things of course!  I wouldn't remember how to plant something from the pot into the ground from a book.  


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