Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog #2

1- Her type is a Dutch bunny and her scientific name is Domestic rabbits.
2-  Adult rabbits can weigh 4 to 5 pounds.  Baby rabbits are often 2 pounds.
3-  Rabbits can live up to 5 or 7 years but the oldest dutch rabbit people have heard of is 15 years old.  Our old rabbit we used to have lived up to 11 years. So she most likely going live up to 9 or 10 years.
4-  You should give her treats sometimes but not to often.  Because she is like a normal pet and does not need food to much.  You should feed her rabbit food witch you can get at the store you got her at, or at any other stores.  You should also cut up some vegetables to put them in her food and set it in her cage.  You should give her some well water because rabbits do not drink fresh water.
5- You should clean her cage really good because she does not want to get sick.  What you should do when you clean her cage is you should dump her litter box and then put new stuff in her litter box.  You should give her new food and water.  You should see if she is sick or not.  you should play with her to keep her healthy.  You do stuff with her to keep her playing and not just sitting in her cage because that will keep her healthy.
6- You can train your rabbits but it does take a while.  You can train your rabbits their names to go though hoops to stay in one spot and tons of other things.


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