Thursday, June 14, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog #2

This is what I have to do: Make a story about a character that eavesdrops. A character becomes energetic during the story. The story must have an angel in it. The story must involve a guitar or similar instrument in the beginning. The story takes place a century in the past.

The Eavesdrop Girl
By Marney Jones     
     One day there was a angel that had a guitar in its hand whenever it came down from the sky.  The angel would give you one wish when you needed it.  Then there was a little girl walking around town.  She was trying to eavesdrop on people.  She saw two girls that she could eavesdrop on.  She sat on a bench four feet away from them.  She could hear them but not perfect.  So she had to move closer, but not too close to each of them or she would be to obvious.  She heard them talking about this dragon called Blaunt.  But then they stop talking because they saw that she saw them talking.  So they went to another place in town and the girl followed them so she could still hear them.  Then she stooped walking because someone was playing a Villon and she wanted to hear it.  the Villon was cool and was charmed and whoever heard it went crazy.  So the girl went crazy.
     She wished she could hear every word the girls were saying and it happend.  The angel came down, tapped the girls head and said "Just came true! Go to the girls about 10 feet away and you will hear them."
     So she walked to the girls and heard there was a dragon coming towards the town next to ours and they wanted to go see it.  The girl ran right in front of them and  was talking really fast and running everywhere.  Then she jumped on buildings and ran on the street and was acting weird.  Then the girls went to the city and saw the dragon.  Someone killed it right when they got there, It did not take long for the dragon to be killed.  The girls were sad because they did not see much of the dragon but they did see it get killed.  Then the girls went home.


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