Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

I.  Merin is a dutch rabbit.  I figured this out from checking an online rabbit identification site.  Dutch rabbits have white noses and everything else tends to be colored.
II.  five and a half pounds.
III.  About five to eight years, but some have lived fifteen years.
IV.  Dutch rabbits have the same dietary habits as any other breed of rabbit.
V.  As it turns out we're doing right by the bunny.  As long as we don't give it iceberg lettuce, potatoes, beats, or chocolate or other stuff bunnies can't eat she's fine. 
VI.  Rabbits can play hide and seek, find the food, and obstacle jumping games.  They can also be taught their names and to beg for food.  All of this depends on whether or not said rabbit is social with humans.  Fortunately Merin is social with humans.


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