Thursday, June 14, 2012

Avery- Weekly Blog #2

Tiger 10,000
By Avery Jones
       It was the year 3012 and Leeon the tiger was done being worked on.  The owner of the zoo has wanted to try out a new invention that he drew out on his ipad.  But there was nothing Leeon could have done to get out of it.  He couldn't talk the guy out of trying it out on someone else.  Until now.  They put a button on his paw that has a wire that goes into his voice box.  It makes him talk.
       Leeon is only 3 years old in human years and he is the calmest of all the large animals in the zoo.  He is used as a display animal that can walk around the zoo without causing harm.  When it's moment when he wakes up from a nap (and he is cranky) then he has to have a trainer with him, to keep him calm.  That is why they chose him for the experiment.
       Now he walks around and tells the employees how the other animals are doing.  If they are hungry, filthy, tired, thirsty.  One time the monkeys were out of micro water.  Micro water is a special drink that the monkeys have live off of.  It is very expensive and takes 3 hours to make a gallon.  But the zoo will do anything to keep their monkeys alive and well.
       Three years later Leeon the tiger was attacked by Tigger the lion.  He was jealous of his fame and how much care was taken.  Leeon died and was found the next morning on the sidewalk... dead.


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