Monday, June 4, 2012

Avery- Weekly Blog #1

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
     How are you guys?  I am doing amazing.  I loved being at the beach these past two weeks!  What was your favorite thing we did there?  Mine was semi-surfing waves on my boogie board down in the deep parts, when they had the red flag up.  It was lots of fun because the waves were big.  I liked it because it would take me all the way up to the shore to Grandma's feet.  
     The sunrises were beautiful!  Even though I only saw one sunrise the whole time, it was so pretty.  It was coming out of the clouds and it made the entire sky super orange.  Grandpa, how many sunrises did you see in the past two weeks?
     The turtles were extremely adorable.  It made me very sad when I saw ones with missing and/or broken fins.  It sucks we couldn't see the turtle release, but we did get to see plenty of other beautiful turtles.  I liked Krush the most.  He was nice (well, he looked nice).  He is named after the turtle from Finding Nemo... that is what made him my favorite. 
     The Nature and Sea Life Center was awesome.  The bunnies were super scared, but cute.  The seahorses were very cute and super, super tiny.  I thought they would be bigger than that.  My favorite thing at the Nature and Sea Life Center was being able to see a starfish eat.  It was really cool.  I thought it was a little funny when the starfish had to look at the food pellet for a couple minutes to make sure it was real food.  What was your favorite animal there?

Love you lots,


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