Monday, June 4, 2012

Kiki: Weekly Blog #1

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
     It was a really fun trip to South Padre Island!  My favorite thing we did was go to the Sea Life Center.  We got to hold starfish and we got to watch an octopus eat, but it didn't actually eat.  I got to see lots of cool animals that live in the ocean.
     I liked when we went to the turtle center because it was fun.  I bet you liked them, Grandma.  The turtles at the sea turtle center were cool because I learned that they can swim with only three flippers.  I learned lots of things about them that are cool.
    My favorite thing about the ocean was when we watched the sunrise.  It was fun to watch it because it was like a big red ball coming out of the sky.  It was really cool.
     Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for this awesome trip.  I loved it!

PS- Here is my a picture I made today of the sunrise.


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