Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog #1

The writer is trying to say that you should not feel sad for him because because it is the way he was born and a bunch of people are like him.  It makes me feel better for people when I read the poem because it is talking about a blind person and there are a few blind people that I sometimes feel sorry for.  But now they are telling you that you should not be sorry for them because they have a life and it is normal to them and they do not know that the other people can see.  The narrator is trying to say do not worry about the boy in the poem, he is just like a bunch of other people.  The major thing here is that he is blind and can still be a normal person but not know what to see.  He still has a bunch of fun because it was how he grew up and he did not know all about blind people he thought that everyone was blind.


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