Monday, June 25, 2012

Connor: A Gruesome Tale

There I sat impaled upon a pike.  My last moments of breath seemingly cut short by the blade of a murderer.  It all started years ago.  My father the king of Romania had passed on.  Until that point I was Prince Vlad III of Romania.  When I became king I gained the nickname "Tepes" or "The Impaler."  This was earned through my guards act of impaling all criminals, assassins, and anyone accused of a crime who could not be defended.  Most of those impaled around my dining table were criminals and assassins sent by the Turks.  One day I noticed a seemingly innocent man impaled at the opposite end of the table.  He looked up at me and said "One day you shall meet a fate worse than mine." in an ominous tone of voice.  I asked what his crime was and he said simply "Existing."
   I didn't think being born was a crime, although he had said existing was what he did wrong.  I looked at his scrawny body and then at his pale face.  He was almost deathly pale, as though he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were bloodshot.  I inquired of the pale man "What being are you that existing is a sin?"  He frowned and motioned for me to take him off the pike.  However I refused him the honor of being taken down.
  He said in the same ominous tone as before "I can't die by normal means.  This pike only paralyses me."  Stunned and bewildered I left the room.  I went into my throne room to think of what he meant.  Meanwhile in the country of Turkey my half-brother was plotting with the Turkish Emperor.  They were planning my death and demise in secret.  After that my reign went as ones rule usually would.  Silencing some rebels and dealing with foreign diplomats.
   A few years later my brother rode in from Turkey to "greet" me.  He slew my citizens on his way to my castle in Transylvania.  I heard of what he was doing and sent my best soldiers to fight him.  Unfortunately all were slain.  My brother and his foreign dignitary ally had managed to fight toward my castle.  My guards were dead but, the prisoner of years ago yet lived on the pike.  Before my brother got to me I went to speak with the pale man.   I told him I'd take him off the pike and he rejoiced.
   I pulled the man off of the pike and before he left he bit my neck.  I watched as the sunlight outside had turned him to dust.  I put together the facts and they still made no sense.  My brother approached me in the middle of my dining hall.  I was sure I couldn't die and thus I faced him.  I stabbed at him and he at me.  I parried his strikes and eventually he knocked me out with the blunt end of the sword.
   He placed me upon the pike, on which the pale man was once impaled.  I looked at him and moaned in pain.  As I sat there upon the pike I watched the Turk slay my brother in front of me.  The Turk turned and noticed that I had not died.  He walked over and slit my throat.  As I supposedly died I thrust my saber into his chest and fell unconscious.  When I awoke hundreds of years later I took one of my other nicknames "Dracula" or "Son Of A Dragon."  I realized that I was now a being known in both the realm of the living and the underworld as a Vampire.  A blood sucking parasite that mimics human and non human behavior.  I was removed from the pike as I slept.  The remaining citizens must have thought me to be a corpse.
    I soon found out that I could shape shift into animals.  I now live in modern London, England and must avoid all the wise humans.  Unless I want to be slain and give up my immortal life.


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