Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Connor: The Elven Chronicles: Volume 1: To Slay A Murderer: Chapter 4: Revival

   I was dreary and yet almost fully awake.  "Are you okay?" I heard a voice say.  The voice was indistinguishable for I had never heard such a soft voice.  I murmured, although I have a feeling my response wasn't coherent enough for the voice to tell what I said.  The world looked bright and blurry, an obvious after effect of dying and being revived.  I saw a person in front of me, but I couldn't tell if it was the princess or not.  Suddenly I could see better.
  Princess Amy sat in front of me looking into my eyes.  I smiled a bit when I saw her and then thought is she a cleric?  She looked at me and nodded as though she knew the exact words that came to mind.  She said "That was a brave thing you did, elf.  It may not seem like much, but having the courage to speak the truth to my mum is scary.  Most people don't know how she would react."  I was dumbfounded, my simple act of telling the truth was brave!  Amy continued "Just, don't risk your life again please.  I can only use this spell once every week.  That and I don't want to see you die"  The moment she said that she blushed.
   I said "Princess, you  shouldn't be worrying about me.  Worry about what that racist little jerk and his evil plans.  Besides, you're royalty and I'm a peasant."  I paused thinking maybe I should try convincing her to join my group.  However it is quite un-gentleman-like to put a princess in danger.
  As I kept thinking she said "Well you need someone with you at all times if you want to recover.  I could go get mum, after all she "loves" elves."  I was now in a strange predicament, risk the princess' life or be followed around all day by the witch.  I made a grimace at the mention of the witch, which caused the princess to continue healing me.  After a few days of recovery I went to the castle garden to train my combat skills alone, if I tried my hand against my two companions I would have needed more healing.
  As it turned out Amy had wandered over to me while I was training one day.  I turned to her and offered to let her join the group.  She giggled and then said "I thought that was dangerous for a young noble."  Great she's taken to mocking me now I thought.  She said "Oh relax, I'm just kidding.  After all you aren't completely healed and with you swinging that sword around like an idiot then I should come along to keep you in good health."  I wish she would stop acting like I'm no good in combat situations! I thought again.  She walked away and left me to my training.
    After training I walked back into the castle's throne room.  The queen was sitting on the massive throne and barked at me "My daughter can only follow you if you don't allow her to get injured in anyway, shape, or form!"  I agreed to these rules on Amy's safety and then thought Oh great the other reason I wanted to leave her here.


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