Monday, June 4, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog #1

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
     I loved the beach, thank you for renting the house for us.  There were a lot of things that I liked about our vacation.  My favorite things that we did were swim and go to tourist places.  My favorite tourist place was the sea turtle place because all the turtles were sick or injured and I was surprised that they were still alive.  I loved all the sandcastles we built because they were fun to make and they were awesome.  The walks we went on were fun because the ocean is pretty and we see some cool things.  I wish we could have lived at the beach because there are so many things you can do at a beach.
     I really love when I am with you guys because you are my grandparents and you are both super fun to be around.  I think I would like to go to the beach again with you someday, but not too soon.  Thank you for bringing us to the beach, see you sometime soon.


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