Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kiki: Weekly Blog #1

The Robot Daily
Robots Build An Evil, Giant Statue!
By Kiki Jones
Today a statue came alive!  It was the Statue of Liberty.  The robots built an engine and laser eyes on the Statue of Liberty so that it would be evil.  Now the robots are trying to take over by using weapons and by making things that can hurt us.  Now we have to fight back and we have to find a way to defeat the robots.  There is only one way we can do that, shutting down the robots.  But no one in the entire world knows how to do that, except one person- and that is Queen Fishgoat.  Queen Fishgoat is dead so she cannot help us.  Queen Fishgoat died five weeks ago.  The robots will take over but not if someone else knows how to shut down the robots. We'll have to figure out how to shut them down and if we can't we will just have to let them take over.  We cannot let them!  We have to figure it out so they cannot take over.  The robots will start hurting people so they cannot do anything and then they will start to take away all the food in the whole entire world.  Then they will suck up the water in the ocean.  We do not want that to happen so we have to stop them somehow.  There has to be another way to shut them down.  If anybody ever figures out they could not because you need special things to shut them down.  You need a crown that is magical and it makes the robots stop doing bad things.  If we do that it will wear off and they will become evil again.  You also need the green cape that will make a big hole in the earth and it will make all the robots fall in to it.  So, we can find a way to shut them down!


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