Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Georgia O'Keeffe

We finally started our Artistic Pursuits class again this week with a study of Georgia O'Keeffe.
O'Keeffe is one of the most well known American female painters from the modern period in art.  She became famous for her larger than life paintings of a very close up view of flowers.  She was also known for her expressive use of color.  Yesterday we talked about O'Keeffe and then watched a short video of her flower paintings.  The kids all really liked her art!

After our discussion we used this art lesson to create our own O'Keeffe inspired flower paintings.  First the kids used a black Sharpie marker to outline their flower in four layers.

Next they colored in the flower layers with bold oil pastels.

To finish off the picture they painted the entire picture with watercolor paints, letting the oil pastels resist the paint.  These turned out really nice and we were all happy to get our art classes started again!


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