Monday, June 11, 2012

6/11/12 Weekly Blog #3

Two weeks ago, a company called SpaceX launched a rocket into space and it delivered some stuff to the International Space Station.  Here's an article from the Los Angeles Times that gives some background.  Read through the article and feel free to google for other articles about the SpaceX launch if you want more information.

For today's blog post, I want you to explain why everyone seems to think that this particular rocket launch was such a big deal.  I mean, we've been launching things into space for decades-- so what makes this so special?  And what does it mean for the future of space exploration.  Your article should be at least two paragraphs long.

Bonus points- for extra love and approval from Mommio and I, research and write another paragraph about a recent announcement from a company called "Planetary Resources" and the way that company's plans may change the future of space exploration.


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