Thursday, June 28, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

      In an alternate dimension in the large, crime ridden city of Paris there were several super villains.  Only one hero could save the civilians, Spoon Man.  Spoon man stood upon the Notre Dame cathedral looking upon the city.  Suddenly he heard a woman cry for help and swooped down toward the scene.  Unfortunately Spoon Man had forgotten that he had no wings. As such he plummeted towards the ground and landed on a car.
     The car was a deep shade of orange with light blue flames painted on.  Spoon Man, not being the brightest spoon in the drawer, had thought that the car was burning.  He rushed off the car and attempted to save the driver, who was fortunately across the street.  Spoon Man soon realized his mistake and threw the car door back onto the vehicle.  Unfortunately the car was smashed to the point where the driver couldn't even get in.
      Spoon Man raced toward the shouting only to find a corpse with a note next to it.  The note read "So, Spoon Man you no doubt followed the screams of my victim.  I am the Nosferatu, the villain whose victims are drained of blood.  I challenge you to a battle, in order to find me follow the trail of blood."  Spoon Man  started following a trail of blood he had spotted, ironically after he had punched a civilian in the nose.  The blood trail led back to the bell tower on the Notre Dame Cathedral.  He looked left and right, but couldn't see a thing.
    Suddenly a voice from above said in a thick Romanian accent "Spoon Man, I vant to kill you for vhat you did to my father.  I vill avenge the civilians you have killed and maimed.  Prepare to meet your delicious demise."  Nosferatu dropped from the ceiling and started punching Spoon Man.  Spoon Man tried to fight back, but he was slowly being hypnotized by Nosferatu.  The battle never let up, for both sides would not surrender.  Suddenly Nosferatu said "See you in hell or maybe I von't."   With that both hero and villain tumbled off the building and landed on the sidewalk.  Neither one moved they were dead.

Marney: Weekly Blog #1

The writer is trying to say that you should not feel sad for him because because it is the way he was born and a bunch of people are like him.  It makes me feel better for people when I read the poem because it is talking about a blind person and there are a few blind people that I sometimes feel sorry for.  But now they are telling you that you should not be sorry for them because they have a life and it is normal to them and they do not know that the other people can see.  The narrator is trying to say do not worry about the boy in the poem, he is just like a bunch of other people.  The major thing here is that he is blind and can still be a normal person but not know what to see.  He still has a bunch of fun because it was how he grew up and he did not know all about blind people he thought that everyone was blind.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Kandinsky

Today in our Artistic Pursuits study of modern artists we learned about Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944).
Kandinsky was a Russian born painter who is known as one of the founders of the abstract art movement.  He was one of the very first painters to paint pictures with no recognizable objects in them, instead he preferred to express his thoughts and feelings through the use of color and shape.
As a young child, Kandinsky was diagnosed with synaesthesia cognate- a condition that caused him to "hear" colors as music and "see" sounds as colors.  This led to his particular style of free flowing art later on.
We watched a video that showed some of his work and discussed how his paintings make us feel and the idea that Kandinsky was drawing music.

Afterwards we turned on some music (we tried several types to express different moods) and got to work making our own abstract paintings.  For the first pictures the kids used an oil pastel to draw lines and curves all over their paper.

They then used gouache paints to fill in the spaces with color.

Truly abstract art!

That was so fun and quick that we moved on and made another painting, inspired by Kandinsky's famous Squares with Concentric Circles painting.

First the kids folded their paper so that the fold lines created 12 equal squares.
Next they used black oil pastels to draw concentric circles inside each square.
 Finally they finished the paintings off with their gouache paints.

Here are the colors they heard in the music as we painted today.

Monday, June 25, 2012

6/25/12 Weekly Blog #2

Who the heck is that superhero in the picture above?  I don't know, so that's where you come in.  You need to write a four paragraph story where the superhero in the picture is the main character.  Have fun.

6/25/12 Weekly Blog #1

The Blind Boy: by Colley Cibber

O say, what is that thing called light,
Which I can ne'er enjoy?
What is the blessing of the sight?
O tell your poor blind boy!
You talk of wondrous things you see,
You say the sun shines bright;
I feel him warm, but how can he
Then make it day or night?
My day or night myself I make
Whene'er I sleep or play;
And could I ever keep awake
With me 'twere always day.
With heavy sighs I often hear
You mourn my hapless woe;
But sure with patience I may bear
A loss I ne'er know.
Then let not what I cannot have
My cheer of mind destroy;
Whilst thus I sing, I am a king,
Although a poor blind boy.

For this blog post, I want you to read the poem above, then write a two paragraph essay about what it means.  Here's some questions you should ask yourself before you start writing-- what is the narrator trying to tell the listener?  What message is the author trying to get across?  What is the major theme here?  Specifically with the last two lines, what does that mean to you?  Please don't just answer these questions in your blog post.  Instead, think about these questions before you write and then write two paragraphs about what the poem means to you.  Again, I don't want you to just explain what the poem says, but tell me what it means.

Connor: A Gruesome Tale

There I sat impaled upon a pike.  My last moments of breath seemingly cut short by the blade of a murderer.  It all started years ago.  My father the king of Romania had passed on.  Until that point I was Prince Vlad III of Romania.  When I became king I gained the nickname "Tepes" or "The Impaler."  This was earned through my guards act of impaling all criminals, assassins, and anyone accused of a crime who could not be defended.  Most of those impaled around my dining table were criminals and assassins sent by the Turks.  One day I noticed a seemingly innocent man impaled at the opposite end of the table.  He looked up at me and said "One day you shall meet a fate worse than mine." in an ominous tone of voice.  I asked what his crime was and he said simply "Existing."
   I didn't think being born was a crime, although he had said existing was what he did wrong.  I looked at his scrawny body and then at his pale face.  He was almost deathly pale, as though he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were bloodshot.  I inquired of the pale man "What being are you that existing is a sin?"  He frowned and motioned for me to take him off the pike.  However I refused him the honor of being taken down.
  He said in the same ominous tone as before "I can't die by normal means.  This pike only paralyses me."  Stunned and bewildered I left the room.  I went into my throne room to think of what he meant.  Meanwhile in the country of Turkey my half-brother was plotting with the Turkish Emperor.  They were planning my death and demise in secret.  After that my reign went as ones rule usually would.  Silencing some rebels and dealing with foreign diplomats.
   A few years later my brother rode in from Turkey to "greet" me.  He slew my citizens on his way to my castle in Transylvania.  I heard of what he was doing and sent my best soldiers to fight him.  Unfortunately all were slain.  My brother and his foreign dignitary ally had managed to fight toward my castle.  My guards were dead but, the prisoner of years ago yet lived on the pike.  Before my brother got to me I went to speak with the pale man.   I told him I'd take him off the pike and he rejoiced.
   I pulled the man off of the pike and before he left he bit my neck.  I watched as the sunlight outside had turned him to dust.  I put together the facts and they still made no sense.  My brother approached me in the middle of my dining hall.  I was sure I couldn't die and thus I faced him.  I stabbed at him and he at me.  I parried his strikes and eventually he knocked me out with the blunt end of the sword.
   He placed me upon the pike, on which the pale man was once impaled.  I looked at him and moaned in pain.  As I sat there upon the pike I watched the Turk slay my brother in front of me.  The Turk turned and noticed that I had not died.  He walked over and slit my throat.  As I supposedly died I thrust my saber into his chest and fell unconscious.  When I awoke hundreds of years later I took one of my other nicknames "Dracula" or "Son Of A Dragon."  I realized that I was now a being known in both the realm of the living and the underworld as a Vampire.  A blood sucking parasite that mimics human and non human behavior.  I was removed from the pike as I slept.  The remaining citizens must have thought me to be a corpse.
    I soon found out that I could shape shift into animals.  I now live in modern London, England and must avoid all the wise humans.  Unless I want to be slain and give up my immortal life.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mommio & Kiki: Night Out

Today we finally celebrated Kiki's 8th birthday with her special (but belated) night out with Mom!  The excitement started before we even got to our favorite hotel.  On the way we stopped for movies at Redbox and some McD's for lunch.  Kiki was so happy that we could have just stopped with that.

BUT, we went on to the hotel and checked in anyway, where she enjoyed the view and ate her lunch.

Then we headed down to the pool, which we had all to ourselves.  It was so much fun for both of us!  Kiki practiced her jumps and learned to float on her back and then we headed to the hot tub.

And since we were on such a roll having fun we dried off, went back upstairs to the room and played some games together.  Kiki won Zenith with some awesome moves!

Up for tonight- lots of bad-for-us food, movies, a spa night and more pool and hot tub.  Kiki is taking a little nap right now to get ready for all the fun.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Avery!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #2

     What we do in the garden counts as school work because it teaches us about patience.  It also teaches us that hard work is very rewarding.  From having the garden we have become healthier and better at cooking. The most rewarding part of the summer harvest is usually the salsa we make out of the Jalapenos, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and other vegetables.
   There are many things that we learn from gardening alone.  For instance what plants grow best during what seasons.  Another example is what herbs can be used in tea or other more complex combinations of  vegetables.   It also teaches us how to be environmentally friendly.   Over all having a garden is beneficial to our lessons and schoolwork.  This also shows that it is easier to learn by doing than by reading, as long as you follow the steps exactly.

Connor: Weekly Blog #3

I.  Twenty more wishes.
II.  She were the Valkyrie.
III.  That the dogs could speak.
IV.  Probably something yoga related.
V.  To be slightly taller than Gabe.
VI.  To see a unicorn.
VII.  To have every just dance game ever.
VIII.  To hang out with Kali all the time.
IX.  That she were allowed to turn twelve this year.
X.  To meet the actors from Twilight.
XI.  To be spared my terrible puns.
XII.  To be the best yoga teacher on the face of the planet.

Avery: Weekly Blog #2

       1-  Gardening is school because growing a garden teaches you many things.  I learn how to harvest, plant, care for the plant, how to eat healthier, some science, sometimes what other animals will eat, and many other things.  I eat a lot of junk food, but now that we have a garden I am more in to vegetables (don't worry junk food, I still love you too!).
       2- It also teaches me that hard work pays off.  Doing all the garden work to set it up and prepare it to plant vegetables is really hard work but fun and later turns in to delicious foods. Even in the Summer, when it is super hot and we don't want to work, we still love having all the new foods.
       3- Gardening has taught me how much people really like vegetables.  A lot of my friends, and their families take a ton of our stuff from our garden (we offer it first of course).  I also wouldn't have known how to make my own garden.  Now that we made one ourselves, I want to make my own when I move out of the house.  I don't know what would be in it.  One thing I am know I will have... potatoes!
       4- I think it is better to learn by doing things of course!  I wouldn't remember how to plant something from the pot into the ground from a book.  

Marney: Weekly Blog #2

We learn in the garden.  We learn how to harvest things and pick weeds.  We learn how to plant seeds and plants.  We always check to see if there are flowers on the plants because if there are then we need to pick the plant.  We learn that people should have gardens because that is a good way to stay healthy.  If you have a garden then you do not have to buy a bunch of veggies at the store.  We will start becoming healthy when we eat food from our gardens. When we harvest things you need to make sure that you pick them from the root or the plant will not come out as good as you think.  People can harvest over ten tons of stuff when they have a garden much bigger then ours.  But we harvest at least 15 pounds of things each week.  I hope soon every one in the world will have gardens.

Marney: Weekly Blog #3

1- Unicorn
3- A thousand dollars
4-A perfect birthday 
5- Breakfast sausage
6- A giant bearded lady 
7-Go to Hawaii
8-  Awesome high heels
9- Your own room
10- A pet horse
11- A crazy collection of pillow pets
12-  Averything

Monday, June 18, 2012

6/18/12- Weekly Blog #2

This morning Jack, Max, Kiki and I had "school" in the garden while we harvested vegetables.  

As homeschoolers almost everything we do is "school" because we are always learning new things and having new experiences.  Today I want you to tell me a little bit about school in the garden. Why do I consider spending some time in the garden "school"?  What have you learned from gardening over the last few years that you will be able to use the rest of your life?  Do you think there are some things that you would never learn about if you didn't have the experience of gardening? Do you think it is easier to learn about new things by doing them or by reading about them?

6/18/12- Weekly Blog #1

What's going on in the news?  Let's find out!  Use your investigative powers to search online for a current news story, something that happened within the last week.  It can be a local, national or international story- just choose one that you find interesting and then tell us all about it.  Summarize the story, make sure you tell us all the W facts (you know, from Busytown? Who,What, When, Where, Why), and then tell us why you picked the story- why was this the most interesting story to you?

6/18/12- Weekly Blog #3

Another birthday in the house...on Saturday Avery turns 12!
Post a list of 12 birthday wish suggestions for Avery so that when she blows her candles out on her mustache cupcakes she will make just the right wish.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Georgia O'Keeffe

We finally started our Artistic Pursuits class again this week with a study of Georgia O'Keeffe.
O'Keeffe is one of the most well known American female painters from the modern period in art.  She became famous for her larger than life paintings of a very close up view of flowers.  She was also known for her expressive use of color.  Yesterday we talked about O'Keeffe and then watched a short video of her flower paintings.  The kids all really liked her art!

After our discussion we used this art lesson to create our own O'Keeffe inspired flower paintings.  First the kids used a black Sharpie marker to outline their flower in four layers.

Next they colored in the flower layers with bold oil pastels.

To finish off the picture they painted the entire picture with watercolor paints, letting the oil pastels resist the paint.  These turned out really nice and we were all happy to get our art classes started again!

Kiki: Weekly Blog #2

A character will do laundry. A character is angry throughout most of the story. The story is set in the desert.
The Crazy Desert
By Kiki
     Once upon a time there was a desert and there were two people.  One was named Charlene and the other was named Beth.  Beth was very upset because her laundry was not finished in time, she had to go to a party and she had to clean her clothes but she couldn't because she didn't have enough time.  Charlene went to the party already.  Charlene was so happy that she made it to the party, but there was one problem.  She couldn't start the party without Beth.  It was Beth's party.  So Beth didn't go to the party and she remembered that it was her party so the party was cancelled.  She got even more angry because she forgot and was not going to the party anymore.  
     The next morning she woke up and it was time for her to go eat breakfast.  Beth ate her breakfast and so did Charlene.  Charlene went to a waterpark and so did Beth.  Beth went on all the rides.  She loved it but there was only one problem.  Her favorite ride was destroyed, but she didn't care, she still had a lot of fun.  The waterpark was called Extreme Fun because it is super fun and everyone loves it.  When they got home they were so happy and they went to sleep.
     They woke up the next morning and they had to go to school.  They forgot that so they woke up late and were late for school.  They went to school and had to run because they were about to miss school because they were late.  When they got there they did their school and then went home.  Beth said that it was super boring.  Except Charlene thought it was super fun.  Charlene loves to do school.  School is her favorite thing to do.  
     Beth went to talk to Charlene and Charlene said, "What's wrong?"
     Beth said that she was mad because nothing good has happened to her for the last four days. Beth and Charlene went to go buy hats at the hat store.  They bought funny hats all day.  Charlene bought a fish hat and Beth bought a toilet hat.  They went home and went to bed and they woke up and had a great day!

Kiki: Weekly Blog #1

The Robot Daily
Robots Build An Evil, Giant Statue!
By Kiki Jones
Today a statue came alive!  It was the Statue of Liberty.  The robots built an engine and laser eyes on the Statue of Liberty so that it would be evil.  Now the robots are trying to take over by using weapons and by making things that can hurt us.  Now we have to fight back and we have to find a way to defeat the robots.  There is only one way we can do that, shutting down the robots.  But no one in the entire world knows how to do that, except one person- and that is Queen Fishgoat.  Queen Fishgoat is dead so she cannot help us.  Queen Fishgoat died five weeks ago.  The robots will take over but not if someone else knows how to shut down the robots. We'll have to figure out how to shut them down and if we can't we will just have to let them take over.  We cannot let them!  We have to figure it out so they cannot take over.  The robots will start hurting people so they cannot do anything and then they will start to take away all the food in the whole entire world.  Then they will suck up the water in the ocean.  We do not want that to happen so we have to stop them somehow.  There has to be another way to shut them down.  If anybody ever figures out they could not because you need special things to shut them down.  You need a crown that is magical and it makes the robots stop doing bad things.  If we do that it will wear off and they will become evil again.  You also need the green cape that will make a big hole in the earth and it will make all the robots fall in to it.  So, we can find a way to shut them down!

Marney: Weekly Blog #3

     Space X has lunched tons of things up in space, but on May 31, 2012 they launched a car up into space.  Now they are going to try to be the best space company to launch stuff to space.  But that would mean they would have to bring big things into space, make it to space stations and give them the big city things.  But cars are big and they are things that need to stay up in space sometimes.
    I think sometime we are all going to launch off to space and live up in space.  Then we would not care about the earth anymore or anything.  If that happens I wish we would bring all of the animals and some plants with us.  But I would not want to leave earth.

Marney: Weekly Blog #2

This is what I have to do: Make a story about a character that eavesdrops. A character becomes energetic during the story. The story must have an angel in it. The story must involve a guitar or similar instrument in the beginning. The story takes place a century in the past.

The Eavesdrop Girl
By Marney Jones     
     One day there was a angel that had a guitar in its hand whenever it came down from the sky.  The angel would give you one wish when you needed it.  Then there was a little girl walking around town.  She was trying to eavesdrop on people.  She saw two girls that she could eavesdrop on.  She sat on a bench four feet away from them.  She could hear them but not perfect.  So she had to move closer, but not too close to each of them or she would be to obvious.  She heard them talking about this dragon called Blaunt.  But then they stop talking because they saw that she saw them talking.  So they went to another place in town and the girl followed them so she could still hear them.  Then she stooped walking because someone was playing a Villon and she wanted to hear it.  the Villon was cool and was charmed and whoever heard it went crazy.  So the girl went crazy.
     She wished she could hear every word the girls were saying and it happend.  The angel came down, tapped the girls head and said "Just came true! Go to the girls about 10 feet away and you will hear them."
     So she walked to the girls and heard there was a dragon coming towards the town next to ours and they wanted to go see it.  The girl ran right in front of them and  was talking really fast and running everywhere.  Then she jumped on buildings and ran on the street and was acting weird.  Then the girls went to the city and saw the dragon.  Someone killed it right when they got there, It did not take long for the dragon to be killed.  The girls were sad because they did not see much of the dragon but they did see it get killed.  Then the girls went home.

Marney: Weekly Blog #1

ROBOTIC DELIVER                                      ISSUE #30045

Today's Headlines
By Marney Jones
     Scientists are finding new animals all around the world.  One of the main animals they found was a Cappy.  They do not know many things about it but they are trying to find more things out about it.  It has a big fin and has teeth that are 5 inches long.  She is not safe to be around and she is poisonous.  Nobody go close to her.  They think she is hurtful.  She hates people and will chew you up to little peices.  They need to get this animal out of here, it is going to kill everyone.  They tried to let Cappy go and they did, but into the lobby.   Nobody come to the scientist building.  She is running wild and we need to get out of here because she is going to kill us if we don't.
     Now we have to use or metal boats and robots to get off the metal island.  Everything is made out of metal. The boats are all robots.  The world is sinking because it is all made out of metal.  Hold on to the micro rockets, they're strong and will blow you off the world.
    Now at this point people are becoming worried that Doffinsmirts is taking over the world.  He is taking everyone to his house and locking them up in cages.  But Kyle and Jennifer came on a motorcycle and saved everyone except me.  Now I am stuck here reporting from a drowning city.  Jennifer and Kyle dropped everyone back on Earth and flew off in the sunset.

Avery- Weekly Blog #1

 Future Times

       Things have gotten better and better every year.  But today is special!  They came out with people robots. I am not allowed to give out many details.  All I can tell you is that metal is becoming the latest fashion.  Not only are people becoming robots, but also wearing them!  They use old robots (from old experiments) and make them into clothing.
       Flying cars have finally come to an end.  Everyone gave them up and left them behind for something that some say is much better.  Rockets.  Not ones that go way up in space though.  They can go into the sky, but only as high as an airplane.  All the normal cars and flying cars are used in museums for children to see.  There are some for sale, but only the rich can afford them.
       Have you heard the news?  Now you have!  People are having hard time deciding who to elect for president.  Lovely, but powerful Miss Kennedy Jones, or Tough, but also sensitive Mr. Max Jones.  The thing that makes it hard is that they are siblings, Kennedy being older.  Some people are scared of what the other sibling will do to the other if they lose.  But most people are worried about what Kennedy will do if she wins. Many love her, but also know she has a violent mind.
       Last, but not least.  Scientists have discovered a new animal.  One that people have believed for many generations.  That's right, hold on to your pants bronies, because they found unicorns!  The population is great. There are over Trillions of them just here in the United States!  They are kept in zoos and in exotic pet stores. Don't worry, no license needed to own one.  It's like keeping a horse, except no messing with it's horn!
       Thank you for reading.  Come by next week to get an other exciting, copy of...
Future Times

Avery- Weekly Blog #2

Tiger 10,000
By Avery Jones
       It was the year 3012 and Leeon the tiger was done being worked on.  The owner of the zoo has wanted to try out a new invention that he drew out on his ipad.  But there was nothing Leeon could have done to get out of it.  He couldn't talk the guy out of trying it out on someone else.  Until now.  They put a button on his paw that has a wire that goes into his voice box.  It makes him talk.
       Leeon is only 3 years old in human years and he is the calmest of all the large animals in the zoo.  He is used as a display animal that can walk around the zoo without causing harm.  When it's moment when he wakes up from a nap (and he is cranky) then he has to have a trainer with him, to keep him calm.  That is why they chose him for the experiment.
       Now he walks around and tells the employees how the other animals are doing.  If they are hungry, filthy, tired, thirsty.  One time the monkeys were out of micro water.  Micro water is a special drink that the monkeys have live off of.  It is very expensive and takes 3 hours to make a gallon.  But the zoo will do anything to keep their monkeys alive and well.
       Three years later Leeon the tiger was attacked by Tigger the lion.  He was jealous of his fame and how much care was taken.  Leeon died and was found the next morning on the sidewalk... dead.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

Time Traveler Monthly
The Only Time Traveling Newspaper
June 11 2030

        This just in: His highness, the king of the world, Franki II, has declared a tax of five chew toys on sunlight, air, and gasoline.  He also outlawed the existence of cats and all washing machines and dryers are banned.  Kyle Jones of the Texas Lawyers Association had this to say "Now I can't even drive my flying car to work.  Nor can I walk outside the house or office because I don't have any chew toys!"  Unfortunately if one cannot pay the tax Franki II is likely to have them thrown into jail.  Under the rule of King Franki beagles are ruling over Britain, pugs own France, and Mexico is run by a Chihuahua who is both a general and a duke.  

Last weekend scientists brought dinosaurs back to the earth.  Unfortunately the dinosaurs were killed before they made it to the zoo.  These poor dinosaurs were all herbivores and were killed by a mob of people who watched Jurassic Park one too many times.  Several other once extinct animals were transported to the zoo just yesterday.  These consisted of one dodo, two short-faced bears, one dire wolf, and a saber-toothed cat.  Each species was being driven in its own truck to avoid one animal attempting to kill and eat another.  A trained vet has installed the necessary voice chip in each animal's vocal cords and a special chip in the animal's brains so they can observe what has changed.  The dire wolf, given the name lupus, has stated that "This is so weird.  I never thought humans would be so intellectual."  Lupus has been appointed as adviser to the king.  He contacts Franki II using a hologram.

Franki II has announced that many historical heroes are going to visit our time.  George Washington's dog will be here on the holiday known as Moonday.  Shakespeare's dogs will be visiting on Tuesday with William's plays in paw.  There will be a festival all week and a challenge to call each dog by his or her name.  Rover Lincoln will be delivering the Gettysburg Doghouse Address.  There will be an important statement from the Gigantic Official Office for Dog's  Delicious Over-sized Goods on what not to give our fluffy allies.

3,000 POSTS!

This week we reached 3,000 posts on 100 Toes!  That's lots of really great writing- good job toes!

Monday, June 11, 2012

6/11/12 Weekly Blog #3

Two weeks ago, a company called SpaceX launched a rocket into space and it delivered some stuff to the International Space Station.  Here's an article from the Los Angeles Times that gives some background.  Read through the article and feel free to google for other articles about the SpaceX launch if you want more information.

For today's blog post, I want you to explain why everyone seems to think that this particular rocket launch was such a big deal.  I mean, we've been launching things into space for decades-- so what makes this so special?  And what does it mean for the future of space exploration.  Your article should be at least two paragraphs long.

Bonus points- for extra love and approval from Mommio and I, research and write another paragraph about a recent announcement from a company called "Planetary Resources" and the way that company's plans may change the future of space exploration.

6/11/12 Weekly Blog #2

Are you ready for total random weirdness?  Sometimes it's hard to come up with ideas to write about.  But with the internet, there's a ton of stuff available to help us.  So for today's blog, I want you to go to this site and come up with a "random writing challenge":

Press the "challenge" button and then follow the guidelines it gives you.  For example, I just hit the button and it told me: "The story takes place ten years in the past. The story must have a dragon in it. The story must involve a robe in it."  Cool!  But generate your own random challenge.

Your story must be three paragraphs long.

6/11/12 Weekly Blog #1

18 years ago today, Mommio and I got married.

18 years.


That's a LONG time.

I mean, seriously, can you imagine 18 years?  You guys aren't even 18 years old!

Okay, so for today's blog post, I want you to write a news article from 18 years in the future.  What's the world like in the year 2030?  Did I finally get my flying car?  It can be any kind of news article you want, but it should be for some type of futuristic publication- whether its a news blog, online newspaper or whatever.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Connor!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gabe: Weekly Blog #3

Happy birthday Connor.
You are fun.
You are a game emperor.
Now let me give you a pun.
Now that you have your games you seem much happier.
You can hit a home run.
You have a great humor.
You are fun.
How is Merin do you like her
To dad your a great son.
You are an awesome game emperor
I want you to give me one of your great puns.
We love you Connor.
You are a great grandson.
Goodbye Connor.
You tell great puns.

Avery: Weekly Blog #3

Happy birthday man!
You are really fun
you are the number one chessman
That is why you won!
You have really great plans
That I am really stunned
Some include a snowman
That looks just like a nun.
Even though you can't be a stuntman
You can make a really good pun
One is about a toucan
and the other about a gun.
You must be good at pac-man
you say it's fun on a bun.
Have a great b-day, I hope you can
Have a great day, your number one.

Kiki: Weekly Blog #3

Connor, your jokes are so funny,
You like to play games with us
Your jokes are so punny
You don't make a fuss
Or be mean to me.

Happy Birthday Connor!

Avery: Weekly Blog #2

#1- Merin is a Dutch Rabbit. Her (super long) scientific name is Oryctolagus Cuniculus.
#2-  You don't actually measure animals by length. You do it by weight. So a Dutch Rabbit (like Merin) can get up to 5-5 1/2 pounds total. We might need to get her a bigger cage when she is fully grown.
#3- Most rabbits live up to 10-13 years. But it mostly depends on their habitat and their life style. So if we treat Merin really, really well, she will live longer.
#4- I read up that you should feed it twice per day. You have to feed it things that are closest to the things they would eat in the wildlife. Rabbit food works too, but vegetables, herbs and some grasses are the best. No meat, bread, no gel like substances, or stuff like that.
#5- It needs to exercise a lot. About once a day take it outside to a grassy area and let it run around. Keep it away from all dogs and cats. If it can't go outside one day, let it run around the house. It also has to be kept in a cage it's size. Meaning that it can move around and have room for a litter box. It also needs to be left alone like an hour a day, so that it can rest and sleep. All rabbits hate being alone. Other than the time that they sleep, they love to be around other people and bunnies.
#6- If you really want to train it, then use 30 minutes out of your day, every day. You have to start with simple things like you're the boss (DON'T be harsh on it. Don't yell at it at all), teach it it's name, then hide and seek (simple spots). You have to pick out a spot you go to and keep treats there and call once. If it comes to you give it a carrot.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weekly Blog #3

This Friday Connor turns 16!  
In honor of Connor's 16th birthday you need to write him a poem.  Your poem should be about all the things you like best about your big brother.  It should be sixteen lines long and follow an A,B,A,B rhyme pattern throughout the poem.