Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mommio: NaNoWriMo Sneak Peek- Ava

I walked into the heavy, cold rain and to my small fort. It was an oak tree with a stripy mail box glued to it. I painted the trunk black and some of the branches blue. I climbed up the tree and looked in the mail box. I was hoping to see a Green Day poster, but instead I found a letter. On the front it said “From: Wendy To: Lindsay”
    “ Who the heck is Wendy? How does she know my name?”, I said to myself.
    I opened the fancy letter and I was  not surprised to see fancy hand writing.
Hello Lindsay,
I am an elf like you. I bet you wonder how I know your name and a lot about you. Well... I have been sending my slaves to spy on you and they tell me everything they hear you say and everything they see you do. Now to real news. You have to fight my monsters. They will kill you quick and easy. When you die everyone in  the world will be my slave and I will be the queen.


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