Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Bad Day At Court
By Avery
One day there was a woman named Lucy. Lucy was a great person... until she ran out of money. She had no more money at all and couldn't afford to live in her house. So she decided to rob the bank! She put on a robbers mask and robbed it. The cops caught her and put her in jail for three months. On October 15th she had to go to court! She had to convince the judge to let her free.
     "Order! Order in the court!", Yelled the judge.
     " Hello. I am Phoenix Write, Ace Attorney. I am here to help you get out of jail okay.", Said the man next to Lucy.
     " Yeah! Someone is here to help me! Yeah!", Yelled Lucy, jumping up and down.
     " I said ORDER!", said the judge to Lucy.
     " Sorry sir.", mumbled Lucy as she sat back down.
     An other man in a fancy outfit walked up to Lucy. He stood right in front of her and smiled.
     " Hi Lucy. I am Edgeworth. I am the one who is going to kick your but and put you back in jail.", Said the man that was standing in front of her.
     Everyone in the court turned silent and stared at the judge. Lucy stared at her feet in fear.
     " I call Lucy to the stand!", yelled Edgeworth as Lucy walked got up.
     " Now, Lucy. Why do you think we should let you out of Jail?", Asked Edgeworth.
     " Um... I am a good person. Oh... and I need to earn money so I can live somewhere.", answered Lucy with a yawn.
     " You mean STEAL money?!"
     " Hey! My client isn't going to steal money! She isn't a thief!", Yelled Phoenix, pointing his finger at Edgeworth.
     " Yeah! What he said.", groaned Lucy. Everyone in the court got louder and started talking.
     "  ORDER!", Yelled the judge.
     " Lucy. Why did you think you could get away with stealing from the bank?"
     " I don't know. Well... I thought I might because I am fast. I won three running races when I was fifteen. I thought I might get caught, but that they wouldn't be able to stop me. But..."
     " Oh... so you  thought it was a good idea to rob the bank?", Edgeworth got a grin on his face.
     " No. I just needed money, but I got fired from my job."
     " If you thought it wasn't a good idea, then why did you do it?"
     " I... I", Lucy panicked.
     " You did outrun the cops. But you didn't feel bad inside at all. Shame on you Lucy."
     "OBJECTION! TAKE THAT!", Yelled Phoenix as he showed them a notebook.
     " This is Lucy's diary. And on page 3,078,425 It says "I feel terrible. I guess it's time to turn myself in now. I don't care if I get in trouble." So... is that proof good for you?!", Phoenix put the diary away.
     " I find the defindent NOT GUILTY!", Yelled the judge.


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