Saturday, November 27, 2010

Daddio: Boomerang Fun

Yesterday we went to the park for the afternoon to do geocaching and to run off some of our holiday energy.  Gabe asked that we try throwing the boomerangs that friends had given us.  The boomerangs were cool.  They weren't the toy nerf type that I had as a kid, but real wooden boomerangs that looked like they were made twenty years ago.

Last time Grandpa was here, he showed us how to throw a boomerang.  It's not like we thought-- you don't throw it like a frisbee.  You actually are supposed to throw it so it's almost straight up and down, but tilted sideways just a bit.  And when you throw it, you have to actually throw it slightly downwards, like you think it's going to go into the ground about fifty feet in front of you.  If you get it right, then right before it runs into the ground, the boomerang levels off, soars up and then circles back to you.  The trick is to accounting for the wind and finding the right direction to throw it so it doesn't just float off a hundred yards away from you.

Unbelievably, I actually managed two perfect throws.  We were so surprised that I actually threw it right, that I had to shove Gabe out of the way so it wouldn't hit him in the head on the way back.  I was going to try to catch the second one, but without any gloves or anything, I was worried I'd bruise the crap out of my hand trying.  That little piece of wood gets spinning really fast.


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