Sunday, November 28, 2010

Daddio: We're Playing D&D Again.

Before I started writing my book, the oldest four and I had been playing a roleplaying game called Hunter, where the kids played normal people who had to band together to fight supernatural monsters.  We finished that campaign after about six months (and Connor and Ava ended up having their characters killed-- very sad), and we haven't played anything for a couple of months while I worked on my book.

Last night we went back to playing Dungeons and Dragons.  The kids' characters didn't know each other until they all met at the Gold Goblin, a seedy casino.  They ended up stopping a group of thugs who were trying to rob the casino, but before they did, they wanted to gamble.  So we spent about two hours with the kids betting with poker chips at different games like blackjack, roulette and a dice game.  Everyone had a good time.


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