Sunday, February 5, 2012

Student Of The Week: Connor

The kids have asked that we start doing student of the week on the blog again, I can't promise I will get to it every week but here we go....this week the Student Of The Week is...
Connor has been having a rough time lately trying to figure out how to navigate all his high school academics, but recently we started a new checklist system and he is doing better with that.  "I like the new schedule because I can choose when I do what.  Sometimes it is difficult to make the right choices for my schedule."
Joan's Academy
"Joan's Academy is fun. English and Drama are my favorite classes.  I like hanging out with my friends."
English- Connor is studying American Lit. in his English class.  This week they focused on Walt Whitman and compared his style to the work of Ambrose Bierce and Stephen Crane.  Connor says of Crane, "I don't really like his writing style but the points he makes are interesting."
Walt Whitman
Geometry- This is a class that Connor has really been struggling with. "I don't like it much and it is difficult."  They have been working on graphing equations.  Today we decided that Connor is going to stop taking this class and we will do Geometry at home with him so that we are able to help more.  Here's what we'll be switching to.
Drama- Connor just got the role of Bottom in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream in his drama class.  It is really just an informal, fun version of the play- no big production- but he was happy about the part he got.  "I'm excited to play Bottom because he is the comedy relief."
Chess- Connor has been learning new versions of chess in this class.  This week they played team chess and he beat Gabe!
History- In history class they have been discussing the life of Marie Curie and Ivan the Terrible.  They have also picked people they want to learn more about.  Connor picked John F. Kennedy and this week he looked up interesting facts to share in class.  His facts all relate JFK and Lincoln.
1. JFK and Lincoln were both shot in the head and killed on a Friday.
2. They were both shot by someone who went by three names.
3. They both ran for Congress in the year ending in the same two digits, 100 years apart.
Connor is still using Teaching Textbooks to learn Algebra.  He is almost finished with this and then we'll try out the Geometry program.  Right now in Algebra Connor is learning about linear equations and is feeling "confident" about finishing it up and moving on.
Blogs- Take a look back at the blogs Connor wrote this week, the Groundhog's Day poem and the story about the shirtless guy.
Free Writing- Connor hasn't had time to write on his own lately but has big plans to start editing and compiling his Doom series (posted in parts on the blog over the last two years) into a novel.
History- Connor has focused on US History over the last year, reading the History of US series.  He is on the last book in the series right now, learning about the election of JFK.  "I LOVE reading this!"  He will be starting a World History series soon that he will equally love.
Here he is getting his reading done in the car on the way to a doctor appointment this week.
Driving- Connor is taking an online driver's ed course through Virtual Drive of Texas...there is a LOT of reading- most of it very boring! He'll be getting his learner's permit soon and then six more months of driver's ed before getting his license.
 Free Reading- Connor is currently reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton.  "This is the first sci-fi book that I have really enjoyed."



Wow! Connor, you are one busy dude! And I also wanted to say thanks for coming to the xmas party. I know it was not the funnest thing for you but you came anyway.


Cool profile, Connor. I've never read Jurassic Park- so you have to tell me how it compares to the movie.

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