Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mommio: Word Challenge

Write a sentence for each word.  
Anyone who can come up with a complete sentence that makes sense for each word gets a dollar!
magnanimous- (adjective) generous, noble in spirit
Although at first he seemed mean, Uncle Frank turned out to be a very magnanimous fellow.
matriculate- (verb) to enroll as a member of a college or university
When Suda-May matriculates at Yale University this coming fall, she will move to New Haven.
maudlin- (adjective) overly sentimental
The mother's death should have been a touching scene, but the movie's treatment of it was so maudlin that, instead of making the audience cry, it made them cringe.
*all words, definitions and sentences are from the Kaplan SAT Vocabulary Prep Level 1.


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