Monday, February 13, 2012

Daddio: 2/13/12 Weekly Blog Post 1

Okay, toes- this is going to be a tricky one.  I want you to look closely at the following picture:

This is a very famous place, and your job is to try to figure out what it is.  Here are some hints: (1) Although it's very large and weirdly shaped, it's famous for being a house; (2) it is located in a foreign country in the Southern hemisphere; (3) Even though we didn't see The Magic Flute there, it has been been performed there many times; and (4) It took many years to construct, but was finally opened in 1973.

Once you figure out what the building is, write a three paragraph report about the building.  Talk about its history, what it is used for, the condition its still in and any other topic you think is interesting about this building.

If you're having trouble figuring out what it is, talk to your mother and she'll give you hints.


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