Sunday, February 12, 2012

Student Of The Week: Gabe

This week was good.  I like the new system for school.  Here is my checklist for this week.
Joan's Academy
I liked going to Joan's Academy this week. The best part was gym class!
Music-  In music we have been doing music from around the world.  This week we did Russia.  I hated the music from Russia, it was annoying because they all used really high pitched voices and it was hard to listen to because of that.  Our music teacher is Beth Hotchkiss and I like having her as a teacher.  
Handwork-  In handwork I made a stitching sample and worked a little bit on my canvas bag.  And made Valentines out of paper.  My rug is my favorite project because it is very fun.  My rug is made out of t-shirt strips and we weave them through foam matting.
Gym-  We played Capture the Flag outside first.  It was fun and this time we had to put the flag over a chair out in the open field because we didn't have a lot of time.  My team won!  Then we went inside and played some Blob.  That is where you run from one side of the gym to the other side, when you are running one person says blob and if they tag you, you have to hold hands and it keeps going until one person is left not holding hands and they are the winner.
Science- In science we have been talking about electricity and magnets.  This week we electrocuted a pickle and it smelled really bad!  Then we tried to light a LED light with lemons but it didn't work.  Last week we made magnets with a battery.
English- English is my favorite class!  In English we first talked about the book we are reading, Breadcrumbs, and looked through the book for important details so we can make a board game.
Then I got to teach the class!  We talked about our favorite characters, filled out a sheet that we made and then we painted portraits of our favorite characters.  Mine is Hazel and here is my worksheet and picture I made.  I liked teaching English class.

Drama-  In drama we read our script for the movie we are working on, Twelve Angry Pigs.  But this week we set up a table that we could all sit around so we could practice our scene of us in the jury room.  I am Pig #3, the main character of the movie.  I like it because I get to talk a lot.  We also played Long Distance Telephone, that is where you sit in a giant circle so you have to walk to the next person to tell the message.
Chess- In chess class I played Solitaire chess, which I want to buy.  It is fun because you can play it with one person and it is complicated and hard.  I played Jacob after that and I lost.  I feel like I am getting better at chess and I like it more now.
I am doing Teaching Textbooks 5.  Right now I am studying multiplying decimals.  I don't really care about this kind of math.  I only have a few more lessons left in Math 5 and then I will start Math 6.
In grammar I did three pages of worksheets for the week.  I did things like correcting sentences, here is one of my pages I did this week.
For writing this week I wrote on the blog.  I wrote a poem about a snowy night, I wrote about a business I want to make and I wrote a Civil War letter.
For spelling I went onto and tried to get them all correct in the first test.  I got two wrong and then I had to play a game and look at the words, then I had to take the test again and I got them all right the second time.  I like this spelling because it's easier for me to do it on the computer and I can do it on my own, I don't have to wait for mom to do it with me.
I do 30 minutes of Spanish on Rosetta Stone, I am in Unit 1 and I just finished Section 3.  This week I did Section 2 and 3.  They were about running and swimming.
I have been reading Under the Dome by Stephen King on my Kindle.  It is about a city having the government put a big dome around their city.  I like it and I like his type of writing.  I like my Kindle because it is like reading off of paper.
Other Stuff
Gardening- I am working on planning the Spring garden for this year.  This weekend we are going to till the garden and hoe the front part of the garden.  Over the next couple of weeks we will make rows, install drip irrigation lines and plant seeds.  I'm excited about planting the garden because I get to plan it.
Sewing-  I sewed a hammock with Nana for my rats.  It was made out of denim, a quilt and another layer of denim.  Then another type of denim to attach the hooks.
Getting Healthy-  I have been working on eating healthier this week and I am doing really good.  I eat less and don't have extra snacks.
Babysitting-  I have been babysitting Max and Jack sometimes when mom goes to yoga class.  When I babysit them I give them a snack platter outside, then Marney reads to them and then we go play in the backyard, then we come inside and watch tv.  I like babysitting them because it is fun.



You are doing some really cool things. And I totally LOVE that Mr Know it all tee shirt!!

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