Thursday, February 16, 2012

Connor: Blog Of the Day 1

         The Sydney Opera house was built from 1954 to 1973.  Since 1973 many operas have been performed in the building.  The first piano recital to be done in the building was in April of 1973.  The performance was done by a woman named Romola Costantino.  The first actual opera held in the building was War And Peace written by Sergei Prokofiev and composed by Edward Downes.  The building currently is made up of a drama theater, a playhouse, and a studio.  The first concert held within the Sydney Opera House was performed by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra on September 29, 197.  The first singer to perform there did so in 1973.
        As you can imagine it is still in use today.  It still has tons of performances every year.  It is also one of the most famous opera houses in the world, if not the most well known.  Mozart's music has even been played inside this gigantic building.  This building is commonly associated with music and musicians.  Playing in the opera house is even considered the highest honor a musician can get, especially a classical musician or composer.  Many people around the world dream of one day hearing classical music inside its echoing halls.
        The design for the roof of the building is quite interesting.  One comes across a building with this style of roof very rarely or almost never.  The roof is inspired by the masts of a ship, like one of the old fashioned sail boats of Captain Cook's time.  Captain Cook being the not so famous explorer who found Australia.  Captain Cook for the Australians is like Christopher Columbus is in America, given his own holiday due to a possible navigation mistake.  The opera house is on the coast of the Sydney Cove.


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