Saturday, February 4, 2012

Marney: Blog Of The Day 2

The Shirtless Guy
By Marney
    One day there were people making a building in the middle of New York City.  They were making a bakery for people to get food fast and not have to spend as much money.  In the middle of the bakery there was a pole that held the building up.  It had a pole that went off to the side of the pole and it was holding more things up.  Then one day a guy went to the top of the pole and went to the side and he saw that he could put his whole butt on it.
     This guy yelled as loud as he could so people would hear him and he yelled "Guys!  Look at me!  Come up here, come on do not be scared."  Then people started to climb up the pole and soon the pole was full and no one else could fit on.  So the guy yelled "Look guys, we do not have another place for another person." People were sad that they could not go up on the pole.  But then a crazy guy ran up to the pole and walked to the end of it and said "Really!"  In the middle of him walking to the end of the pole he pulled off the guy's shirt and everyone called him shirtless guy.
      Then the shirtless guy said "Hey, where is my shirt?  How are we going to get down, now what?" And one by one people got off and it took three hours.  Then the shirtless guy said "How am I going to get down without a shirt?  It will burn me because the metal is hot."
     Then the crazy guy said "Take ladder."  The ladder only had three steps and it was not going to reach the shirtless guy.
     Then everyone left but not the crazy guy or the shirtless guy.  The crazy guy brought a shirt and climbed to the top of the pole and gave the guy a shirt.  The guy put the shrit on and the crazy guy ran back down and the other guy came down too and they went to their home and were not hot.


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