Monday, February 27, 2012

Daddio: 2/27/12 Blog of the Week Post 1

Do you know how many pets we have?  I'm not kidding, we have eleven.  Three dogs, two rats, two crabs, a guinea pig, a snake, a tortoise and a fish.  There's more animals in our house than there are people.  So for this post, I want you to write a story about what Rex, Franki, Ferris, Koopa, Yoshi, Dookie, Pickachu, Body, Munch, Pedro and Shelly do at night once all the humans are asleep and they have the house to themselves.  Do they just sit around and play poker?  Do they rifle through the drawers where you keep stuff?  Do they find your socks and hide them?  It's up to you, but use your imagination and tell a wild, great story.

Your story has to be four paragraphs long.


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