Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Connor: Blog Of the Day 2

The Chaos Of Rock
By Connor M. Jones

       It was an unusually bright and sunny day.  The gods had joined together for a meeting.  As it turned out Apollo, god of music, thought that it was time for a concert.  Apollo summoned a guitar and started to strum.  As he strummed the strings of the guitar he started to sing in a very annoying and loud pitch.  Apollo would always take the shape of a young boy when he performed.  All the others thought that this suited his terrible singing.  Apollo continued playing the guitar for about three hours.
       As the Greek god of music played Thor, Norse god of lightning, got the idea that people weren't paying enough attention.  Thor looked about the room and noticed that every one was doing something different.  "Drat.  I call a meeting of gods and instead I get Loki's entire domain!  This is madness, by my hammer this is the most chaotic thing ever!" he thought as he passed a glare at the other gods.  Thor was furious, mostly with Apollo and said "Apollo if you don't stop playing all the rock bands will go to Hades when they die.  Or to put it in Norse terms Hel."  After saying this Thor watched as Apollo Rick-rolled him.  Thor was extremely mad, but he tried to hide it by tilting his head to look at another god.
      Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun, said  "Just cool it Thor." as he pulled up his pants after going to the bathroom.  "What is a meeting of the gods without a little entertainment?"  Ra then listened to the music and then said "Okay I get your point Thor.  Apollo stop with that dang music!"  Ra thought about what the next topic for the meeting should be, although with no one paying attention it didn't quite matter.  Ra turned toward his limo and said "I have to go move my car, I'll be right back."  He walked to his car and hopped in.  He shifted in to third gear and drove to a parking building.  After parking he appeared mystically back in the meeting hall.
Mythology by Connor
    Suddenly in walked Chalchiuhtlicue, Aztec goddess of rivers.  Her jade green skirt and dress were shinning brightly.  As she walked past she grinned and said "If only my Greek counterpart, Styx, could be here."  She looked around and noticed that Apollo had stopped playing his music.  She enjoyed being the center of attention and said "Seeing as I also have power over serpents, Ra, I must warn you of the serpent that swallows you every night is fast approaching."  As she saw Ra cringe in fear she laughed at how easily frightened he was.  She said in a hiss "S-S-S-Should we get on with this-s-s-s meeting?"  She looked at Thor half expecting an answer.  When no answer came she said "Well this wasn't much of a meeting!  Good day to you sirs." and stormed out.  Suddenly the Greek and Egyptian left the room heading back to their respective mythologies. 


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