Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Connor: Blog Of the Day

The Lost Shirt
By Connor Jones

           It seemed to be just another average day in the big city.  A group of construction workers had just started their lunch break.  "So, Jim I wonder what this building will be used for." said the man furthest to the right in a thick Brooklyn accent.  Jim told him he had no idea what so ever and the foreman was preoccupied with something.  The foreman was standing on the firm ground as he looked over the blue prints and then up at the rafter his employees were siting on.  Jim looked to the left and saw his friend, Frank, holding a cell phone.  Jim asked "May I have the cell phone, Frank?"  Frank passed the phone to the man to his right and that man passed it to his right.  This continued until Jim had the phone in his hands.
    Jim dialed the foreman's phone and waited for him to answer.  Suddenly the foreman answered the phone and said in a gruff voice "Yeah what do you need?"  Jim explained that he wanted to know the purpose of the building.  The foreman said "It seems to be a church of some kind, although it sure ain't one I ever saw.  Maybe it's a temple of some sort."  Jim, now knowing the purpose of the building, turned the phone off and passed it back towards Frank.  Jim turned to his right and yelled "It's some kind of temple!"  Meanwhile, down on the ground level, a man in a hood passed by the building and flipped the workers off.  The man was wearing gloves over his hands despite it being rather warm.
    Jim was upset and tried to stand up and throw something at the man.  Suddenly Jim realized that he didn't have anything to throw.  Jim started losing his balance as he walked to the other side to get a rock.  Realizing that he had to get rid of something he took off his shirt and handed it to Frank.  As Jim walked back Frank had thrown Jim's shirt of the rafter.  Jim, completely oblivious to his now falling shirt threw the rock at the hooded man.  The hooded man stood in the same place as if challenging Jim's ability to throw the heavy and potentially lethal rock.  The rock hit the man, but he was unscathed.  The man took off his glove and revealed a skeletal hand.  He walked off giving them the middle finger.  Jim now disappointed that the rock had no effect sat down and asked for his shirt.  When no one handed his shirt to him he said "Frank what the heck did you do with my shirt!"  
    Frank said "Why does it matter to you?  It's just one shirt man."  With a gust of wind Jim saw his shirt floating away.  He watched as it soon fell onto the foreman.  The foreman appeared to be angry and he was.  The foreman called the Jim on the cell phone and told him he was fired.  Jim walked down the ladder and gave Frank a look of disgust.  At the bottom of the ladder Jim walked off with a picture in his hand taken by the foreman just before Jim was fired.  The End


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