Thursday, February 16, 2012

Marney: Blog Of The Day 1

      The thing you asked about is in New South Whales Australia. It is a very famous opera building. It is in the town Sydney. They perform 1,500 operas a year. They get 1.5 million people a year.  Most of the people that go there once a year go on the tour too. But some don't because the do not want to. The roof is made out of metal and the biggest bolts ever.
     The place is floating on the water which is creepy because it is huge and I bet you that is is so heavy that is is just on a island I always want to go there because it looks fun.  I have not met people that go there but famous people like pop stars go there and artists.
     From the back of the place it looks like a small building but it is pretty darn big.  It opened in the 1970s. It took a long time to build the a guy who was 80 died 10 years later and they were not done building it. I think that one day it should be a vacation because it looks so cool that Jack wants to go there.  We would be able to do other things too because there are a bunch of cool famous things around it.


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