Thursday, February 16, 2012

Avery: Blog Of The Week 1

       The building is called the Sydney Opera House. A long time ago a man named Jorn Utzon handed in a design in a contest. When everyone saw them they were wowed by the creative lines and patterns. The paper had things that would sparkle and glisten in the sunlight and glow in the night's sky. Soon they made a small sculpture of it and then made a big version.
        This opera house is made out of giant shells and platforms. It also has a special thing around it to keep people from breaking in. Just the stairs in the building are 100 meters wide! It took 14 years to build it. It was finished in 1973.
      Most of the time more tourists than operas would come to visit the opera house. The opera house sometimes has picture shows on the building. They get a picture projector and put photos in it. Then photos from different places will appear on the big white building.


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