Monday, February 27, 2012

Daddio: 2/27/12 Blog of the Week Post 2

Some of us talked this weekend about the violence in Syria.  Syria is a country in the middle east where, much like what happened in Egypt last year, a large number of people are fighting for Syria to become a democracy.  The government's reaction to the rebellion and demonstrations has been violent, and they have killed hundreds (if not much more) of their own civilians to try to put an end to the uprising.

Homs, one of the cities in Syria, is being called the "heart" of the rebellion against the non-democratic government.  It is a large city with a population of 800,000 (about the size of Austin).  But since the uprising, it has been torn apart by war.  The first thing I want you to do to research the situation in Syria is to watch this video from CNN about what life is like in Homs today.

For this blog post, I do not want you to write a report on the Syrian violence.  Instead, I want you to research it and then answer the following questions:

1) What do you think the U.S. should do about the situation in Syria, if anything?

2) Why do you think that?

3) What do you think other countries and global organization should do about the situation in Syria, if anything?

4) Why do you think that?

To do this, I want you to read some articles.  Look through this summary of recent articles about what's going on in Syria and read one or two.  Then read this summary on what foreign countries did to intervene in Libya, many using military weapons to fight Qadaffi.  This is stark contrast to the lack of military intervention in the Egyptian Revolution.   Finally, here's an article about how some countries aren't committing troops, but are giving the rebels in Syria weapons.  Read these articles, watch the video and then answer the questions I posed.


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