Friday, February 17, 2012

Student Of The Week: Avery

This week school was good. I got lots done!
Joan's Academy
Joan's Academy was great. I always love being there with my friends. We made a lot of valentines and ate many sweet treats.
Handwork- Is one of my favorite classes. I used a lot of glitter on my cards and envelopes. We have been working on many projects. Right now I am sewing my embroidery onto a piece of felt to make it into a small pillow.
Photography- In this class I learn on how to take really nice photos.   I learn about lighting, contrast, colors, etc. The photo below is something i took during my math. It wasn't the best time but I had the picture in my head. I got Mom's camera and started taking some pics.
Gym- This is my favorite class because we play games like dodgeball and capture the flag. Last week I was one of the team captains in capture the flag!
English-  We are all writing stories right now. They are based off of the book we've been reading, Holes. That book is about a boy who is sent to this camp where he has to dig holes all day through a desert. I'm not
 going tell you what the story is about though. You can read it here! 
Film- Right now we are making a movie about aliens that have to trap a ton of people. They are really funny. I get to play one of the main characters, Clorax. She's the smart one. Chad, the other main character, is a really daring carefree person.
Science- This is my least favorite class, but I'm still learning things from it. I Think it gets a little boring sometimes. We talk a lot of electricity in class.  
It's okay. I'm on the third disc right now. I love it, but it's still reviewing on old stuff. I haven't learned anything new yet. Right now I'm learning about decimal points and how to add, subtract, divide and multiply them.
I was moved back to the younger kids grammar. It's easier and I learn a lot more from it. I like the correct the sentences part.
In my free time I like to read "Dear Dumb Diary" It's about a girl who does a lot at her school. But her enemy is doing bigger things so she is always better than her. I really like the books and I think others would too.
I don't write a lot anymore. I want to start posting stories though. Please leave book ideas in the comments! On the blog this week I write about the Sydney Opera House and I wrote a story about a crazy picture.
I find it too childish. It's really annoying too because it's for little kids. The spelling words are at a perfect level. The program is what bothers me.
Right now we are working with modern art. When I think of modern art I think of strange shapes, colors and sizes. The photo below is me and the paper cut out I made. I call it "Enter if You Dare!" I named it that because in the part were there are squares on top of each other I put a black on last, in the middle. If it's black that can mean that it can go on and on and you just can't see the end.
Phineas and Ferb Science 
Love this unit because it's very creative and when we start a new part of the unit we get to watch some tv! Right now we are building remote control cars. I can't wait until we build the claw thing. It's supposed to pick things up, move across the table and then set the object down.
Civil War Unit Study
Is lot's of fun! We watch 20 minutes of a show that talks all about the civil war. Then we work on our words on the wall.  My team is called Shwartsburger. Our flag has a giant burger on it. I like this unit because we do lots of projects. My favorite thing we do is drills, but we haven't done those in a while. We are all trying to memorize the Gettysburg Adress. I have the fist small part memorized so far. When I'm completely done with it I'll post a video of me reciting it.
Teaching yoga is the best thing that happened to me! I love teaching and hope to one day be certified so I can work at some yoga buissness.
Little Kid Wiggle Worms-
The kids listen very well and do everything they should be doing. It makes me very proud and happy to see them following along with the movements.  Here's what we did this week for Valentine's Day-

Big Kid Wiggle Worms-  
The kids are okay. They do the poses but can sometimes get distracted by other things around them.  Here is what we did this week-
Working At Sana Vida- 
I get to work one hour every Friday after my morning class. I get paid with free teacher training classes!!! I get to fold brochures, roll hand towels, do laundry, swifer the studios, dust the shelves and help set out the snacks for the teacher training class.
Yoga Teacher Training At Sana Vida- 
I love it a lot! Being there is my favorite part. Last week I got to teach some adults a tiny part with my teacher Catherine. Soon I'm gonna start taking a full afternoon class on Fridays.



Your yoga is so cool!

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