Monday, February 13, 2012

Cooking With Kids: 1-Ingredient Ice Cream and Coconut Milk Whipped Cream

Today Max and Kiki had so much fun with our cooking was like a science experiment and a magic trick all rolled together, plus it turned out yummy.  We actually made ice cream with just one ingredient....FROZEN BANANAS!
First we put 20 frozen bananas (thanks Nana!) in a big bowl.  
Then we cut them in to small slices before putting them in the food processor. the kids tried to cut them but that didn't work out, so I cut them and they had fun throwing them in the processor.

Then we let the machine do the magic! 
After a few minutes we took a peek and saw this....which was very disappointing.  
But we kept going, and just a few minutes later (plus a squirt of chocolate syrup just for fun) we had ice cream!

On to the second batch, this time we added a big scoop of peanut butter.
And it turned out great too...
This magic ice cream turns out just like soft serve ice cream, and then after a few hours in the freezer it becomes harder.  Be warned- if you are not a banana fan this is NOT the ice cream for you.  It definitely tastes like bananas, which Kiki, Jack and I love- but Max says it is gross.  We are hoping that Daddio likes it since it is healthy and dairy free.  What a great new way to use frozen, ripe bananas!
To top it off we tried another magic recipe for coconut milk whipped cream.  
All you do is refrigerate a can of coconut milk overnight and then scoop the firm part out of the can into a mixing bowl, leaving the milk in the can...or let the kids try drinking it.

We added a bit of vanilla and cinnamon.
Then whipped it all up.
It didn't turn out as fluffy as we were hoping but it does taste good and makes a decent dairy free topping for treats. Next time we will try the exact brand that was in the recipe and see if that turns out better.
  We'll see what Daddio thinks of his special dessert tonight!



We tried this "ice cream". I had scored on a bag of bruised bananas at HEB. hmmm. We were not impressed. But I think we did it wrong (no processor).
The coconut whipped cream tastes yummy on chocolate pudding or in coffee. Love it! But I am a huge coconut fan.

Our experimental recipe this past weekend was making "chips" out of celery root!

I am loving these recipe posts!

The Jones Family

Update- Kyle hated the ice cream- said it tastes like bananas. Yep- it does, but about four of us love it and the rest are disgusted by it.

We made radish chips last year, they were good.


We have used 3 different brands and had the best results with Thai Kitchen.

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