Friday, June 10, 2011

World Geography Cooking: Russia- Medianyky (Honey Cookies)

This week in our World Geography Unit Study we are learning about eastern Europe.  Today, Avery let Max and Jack help her make a Russian cookie recipe from our Eat Your Way Around The World cookbook.  
Here are some shots of the cooking process...

We all got to taste test them at lunch and give a review. Here's what they thought...
Marney said they were too "floury" and needed more water.  She kind of liked them.  Jack didn't like the nuts.  Max said they were yummy but he didn't want to eat a whole cookie.  I thought they tasted like really sweet gingerbread- and agreed with Marney that they were too dry.  Mason liked the nuts but said the cookies were hard to chew, like "bricks". Kiki said they were hard to bite and liked the way they taste.
Overall- not so great, but Avery and the boys sure had fun cooking (and made a BIG mess).


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