Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Avery: Blog Of The Day

 If you want to drive to HEB, first you have to get in the car in put the keys in it. Then you have to make sure you have enough gas ( lets pretend he does right now). Sometimes he will have to adjust the mirrors so he can see behind him and next to him. Then he will have to change the gears to reverse (in this case he is driving a stick). Then he changes the gears back to drive and starts going down our street. He can go 20 MPH on our street, Pecan Drive. After he turns he keeps going the same way and then goes through Johnson Park. There, he still has to go 20 MPH. After that I don't know any street names. So, when he's at HEB he has to find a parking spot. Because of his fragile bones he can park in handicap if he has that little handicap thing with him. Then he gets out of the car and gets the stuff he needs to buy. When he is done buying stuff he puts all the stuff in the trunk. Then he puts the cart in the cart return and gets in his car. Then he dives back home. Also if he needs to switch lanes he has to check to see if there are any cars too close to him or if anyone is passing him in the lane he wants to switch to. When he gets home he parks in the driveway, takes the keys out of the car and calls the kids to help him bring in the stuff.


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