Thursday, June 2, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Night Of Death
By Connor

One dark and stormy night a man walked into an inn.  The man was tall and wore a completely black robe.  The moment he entered the jukebox started playing Paint It Black.  The man's robe had a hood which was concealing his face.  No one knew who he was or why he wore the robe.  They also couldn't figure out why the jukebox had stopped in the middle of another song and suddenly started playing Paint It Black.  The man carried a big bag, filled with who knew what.  The man asked in a voice rough like gravel yet cold as the rain "Might I have a room, sir?  I have a lot of money in my bag."  The innkeeper was reluctant, but upon the mention of a load of money decided to let the mysterious man stay.  The man reached into the bag and handed over a lot of money.  The innkeeper, whose name is James, took  the money and led the man in the robe to his room.  The man said "Thank you very much.  Now would you please leave me?  I have to unpack."  James understood and left closing the door behind him.  The man took a scythe, a dagger, a knife, and a pistol out of the bag.  Suddenly he noticed someone spying on him, it was just a security guard by the name of Oscar.  The man in the robe couldn't take his chances and besides the security guard was old and going to die anyway.  The man took the gun and shot a bullet into Oscar's head, one less man to worry about.  The man in the robe pulled the hood off his face and showed his face to the now dying guard.  He said "I am here because you people have been cheating me for a long time.  I have to end this pointless game of cat and mouse, mortal."  With that the robed man left with his scythe in hand in search of more people.  The man's face, now visible, resembled a human skull.  The robed man wandered into the parlor of the inn and noticed a woman sitting at a table.  The Freddy Krueger theme, a song that wasn't even on the jukebox, started playing.  The man walked up to her and said "I am here for thine soul, mortal.  Prepare to meet the fate you have avoided!"  He swung the scythe downward slicing her head off.  The man took out a note pad and crossed Jessica off his list.  He placed the scythe in the bag and headed toward the bar.  He told the barkeeper "Good day, sir.  I think you know why I'm here.  I'm here because your time has come."  After one stab in the head the floor and the corpses of those he killed thus far were drenched in blood.  The man continued toward the last man in the inn.  He walked up to the innkeeper and said "Your customers are dead.  Aside from that I think you know who I am.  James, you have escaped my scythe for too long.  I am Death and you let me in!  So, would you like to die the classic way, a shot in the head, or a dagger and/or knife to the chest?"  James chose the shot to the head, but Death said "Wrong choice.  I choose scythe.  Prepare to die.  James was lying on the floor trying to crawl out of the inn.  Death said "Not so fast, mortal!" and swung the scythe down right into James' gut.  With that Death vanished into thin air leaving behind a blood stained inn and blood stained corpses.  The police would think it was a murder suicide, but it was all Death's doing.  The End


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