Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gabe and Jack: Blog Of The Day

#1 Put the key in the ignition and turn the car on.
 #2 Put it in reverse.
 #3 Look in the mirror to back out of the drive way.
#4 Put it in drive.
 #5 Go 30 mph up Pecan Valley.
 #6 Turn left on to Johnson Street.
#7 Go 20 mph.
 #8 Turn right on to Avenue N.
 #9 Go until you hit 1431 and stop and wait for the light.
 #10 Go into the parking lot and find a spot that your car fits into. Then turn into it and put it in park and take out your keys.
 #11 Go in and get your food.
#12 Put it in reverse and back out of your spot.
 #13 Put it in drive.
 #14 Go back the same way you got there.
 #15 When you get to the house turn in to the drive way and put it in park.  Then take out the keys.


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