Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mommio: Garden Cleaning

Eighteen consecutive days of 100 degree plus weather in early June was just more than our little garden could handle.  All the bad stuff (weeds) is growing like crazy, and all the good stuff is wilting away to nothing.  So we decided to work on the garden this week and get everything good out of there before it dies- harvesting, cleaning it up and making some yummy food.  It was a team effort and we got a lot of it done so far. Here are the kids helping pull up onions.

 Gabe helped clean some of our lettuce so we could pack it up and share it with friends.
 All of the kids helped to harvest the basil plants by picking off the leaves so that we could make pesto.

We harvested two kinds of onions, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, swiss chard, romaine, basil, cucumbers and jalepenos.  It filled up our kitchen table and smelled so good all day!
 Before we packed it all away Nana came shopping at our little produce market.
Today Gabe and I worked together to use some of our veggies to make pesto, salsa and jalapeno boats.

We still have a few things thriving in the garden- tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, butternut squash, watermelon and herbs.  Hopefully they will hang in there long enough to produce more good stuff!


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