Thursday, June 2, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

I love morning.  It's the perfect time to wake up.  It is also when I do schoolwork.  Mornings are usually fun, because of math, grammar, and Blog!  Waking up early is always great and puts me in the perfect mood.  I don't think anything could possibly be better than mornings.

In actuality I can't stand mornings!  Mornings force me to wake up early everyday.  Mornings are the worst time of day for me to wake up.  I am in no way, shape, or form a morning person.  When someone wakes me up early, for any reason, I treat them as if they had done a deplorable thing in waking me up.  In short mornings are the worst things ever.

Morning, by definition means when the sun comes up.  It also means any time after eleven fifty nine.  The sunrise usually starts around five thirty or so.  Some people like mornings, and some people don't.  It all depends on whether or not you enjoy waking up.  Teens are less likely to be morning people, due to the fact that the average teen sleeps until noon.  Mornings tend to have work times associated with them often.


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