Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

1. Get in the car, put the keys in the car and turn them. Put the car in reverse. Drive out of our sidewalk.

2. Then put the car on drive and go straight. Then turn left. Go as fast as the speed limit says. Then go straight.

3. When you get to the park go left. Keep going straight. When you get to stop light, wait until it turns green then go straight.

4. Then you are at HEB. Get in the parking lot and find a spot to park, then turn the keys to turn off the car. Then get out of the car and get groceries.

5. Then put the groceries in the trunk.  Then get in the car, start the car and use the mirrors to make sure that none of the cars behind you are getting out. Then get out of the parking lot and  go straight. When you get to a stop sign go left. Then go straight for a few miles. Then turn right and go straight and when you see our mailbox turn right in the sidewalk and turn the car off.


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