Friday, June 17, 2011

Daddio: 6/17/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to write a tongue-twister poem.   A Tongue Twister poem is made up of lines/verses that are hard to say when read aloud by using similar consonant sounds in succession (use of alliteration). In other words, the poem ties your tongue into knots.  It doesn't have to rhyme or have a certain rhythm pattern- it just has to use alliteration to be very hard to say.  Then I want you to post your poem and a video yourself trying to say your tongue-twister poem.

Here's some examples of tongue-twister poems:

Betty bought butter
but the butter was bitter,
so Betty bought better butter
to make the bitter butter better.


A skunk sat on a stump.
The stump thought the skunk stunk.
The skunk thought the stump stunk.
What stunk the skunk or the stump? 

OR the most famous of them all (except Fox in Sox):
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
FuzzyWuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?


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