Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mommio: Baby Birds!

Our yearly porch visitors- the barn swallows- have finally hatched some babies this year.  It has been fun watching them!  In early April, while we were at the Grand Canyon, they built their nest- in the exact same place as last year.

 Then at the end of April, on Easter actually, we found five little eggs in the nest.
 And just yesterday morning (June 6th- which seemed like a really long time to us) the eggs hatched.  Here are a few looks at the brand new baby birds.  We can't tell if there are 5 there yet but we will keep a watch and post more pictures as they get a little bigger.

We also had an extra visitor this year- a dove built a nest on the edge of our roof.  She was very protective of her nest so we didn't get a very close look.  But we did see her with one baby bird- you can see it sitting under her- look for the eye to find it.


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