Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daddio: 6/16/11 Blog of the Day

Okay, toes.  Here's a tough one.  For today's blog of the day, I want you to tell me how a microwave works.  I'm not going to point you to any particular website for the answers, but I'm pretty sure that you can google "How does a microwave work?" and find plenty of links that will give you answers.

But here's the deal-- I want you to give me DETAILS.  Don't just tell me- "A microwave is a device that cooks food with microwaves."  I want to know the nitty-gritty details of that.  How does it make microwaves?  What do the microwaves do to the food?  How does it actually make the food heat up?  Why can't you put metal in the microwave?  Who invented it?  That kind of stuff.


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